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Canine PT

Sheri has been very active in the dog training world since 1998 when she started training her first Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

She decided to get certified to treat dogs due to her love of both animals and physical therapy. She was also motivated by people constantly asking her to treat their dogs.

Her Certification for Canine Physical Therapy was received in the fall of 2011 from the Canine Rehab Institute. She loves taking what she knows from treating humans and applying her knowledge and skills to canines.

Sheri’s training has been in manual therapy techniques and she uses a hands-on approach in her treatment of canines.

Being a movement specialist, she is also able to progress from the mechanical issues found with manual therapy to the movement deficits of the muscles that occur due to the mechanical deficits.

These skills allow her to treat the client “comprehensively”…. the whole dog, muscle, bone, joint, soft tissue, imbalance.

Sheri shows her Cardigans in obedience and trains agility. She also teaches competition classes at a local dog school. Her dog training skills also enhance her abilities to communicate to animals.

Bring your best friend down here! Get them moving again!